UTVs are known for their excellent off-road performance and ability to handle rough terrain with ease. However, the key to maintaining their performance is by taking good care of their shocks and suspensions. They play a crucial role in ensuring a smooth ride, reducing wear and tear, and keeping the UTV stable on uneven terrain. We have created this guide to help you understand the importance of UTV shocks and suspension maintenance and ways to keep them in top condition.

Improve Ride Quality

UTV shocks and suspension are responsible for reducing the impact of bumps and uneven surfaces. Regular maintenance ensures that the shocks are functioning correctly, resulting in a smoother and more comfortable ride. It also helps extend the lifespan of your side-by-side by reducing wear and tear. A well-maintained UTV is less likely to break down, and you can enjoy your off-road adventures with peace of mind.


  • Check Regularly: Perform visual inspections of the UTV shocks, springs, bushings, and other suspension components before each ride. Look for signs of leaks, damage, or excessive wear. Pay attention to unusual noises or changes in ride quality, as these may indicate underlying issues.
  • Clean and Lubricate: Keep the shock absorbers clean and well-lubricated to prevent dirt and debris from compromising performance. Use a mild detergent and water to clean the exterior and apply silicone-based lubricant to pivot points and seals as recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Check Fluid Levels: If your UTV shocks are equipped with adjustable damping or reservoirs, check the fluid levels regularly and top up if necessary. Low fluid levels can affect shock performance and lead to premature wear.
  • Monitor Suspension Sag: Pay attention to any noticeable sagging or uneven ride height, as this may indicate worn-out springs or other suspension components. Refer to your owner's manual for guidelines on proper suspension setup and adjustments.
  • Follow Manufacturer Recommendations: Adhere to the maintenance schedule and recommendations provided by the manufacturer. This may include periodic servicing, fluid changes, and component inspections based on hours of operation or mileage.
  • Seek Professional Help: For complex maintenance tasks or repairs, especially those involving suspension tuning or component replacement, it's advisable to seek assistance from a professional UTV repair shop.

By prioritizing regular maintenance and proactive care, you can ensure that your UTV shocks and suspension system remain in optimal condition. If you need assistance with UTV repairs, contact the skilled UTV mechanics at our service department in Tracy, CA. Tracy Motorsports welcomes all our customers in Stockton and Modesto.