Buying a used motorcycle is a fantastic way to bring home your preferred bike while saving money. However, you want to ensure you don’t overpay for the quality you are getting. One of the ways to verify that you are purchasing a good-quality bike is to inspect the model thoroughly before making any payments. Don’t worry if you are unsure where to begin—we can help.

Read on to learn more about inspecting a used motorcycle, and for more information, contact Tracy Motorsports.

Bring the Right Tools

You need a few essential items to inspect a used motorcycle successfully. Be sure you bring them along when visiting a dealership or a private seller. These items include your phone to take photos and notes, a helmet to test-ride the given bike, a screwdriver, and a flashlight to inspect the bike in dim-light conditions.

Examine the Body

Start your inspection by examining the used motorcycle body and note any deep dents or scrapes. You also want to keep an eye out for damages likely to impact the bike's functions. Signs of rust or corrosion mean that the owner didn’t care for the motorcycle very well. In that case, it is wise to give the model a pass.

Be sure to examine the tires, suspension, and braking system and see if they need repairing to work smoothly. If you think you need to fix a part or replace it, include the expense in the bike's price when negotiating a deal.

Tire Check

As stated earlier, the condition of your tires can tell a lot about the overall health of your specific used motorcycle. Be cautious when inspecting a bike with old and worn-out tires, and pay attention to any signs of bald spots, cracks in the sidewalls, and embedded objects.

Use your screwdriver to tap the spokes and see that they are tightly adjusted. Ideally, you should hear a clear “ping” sound, and your wheels should spin and not be wobbly.

On that note, visit Tracy Motorsports to peruse our fine selection of used motorcycles. We are in Tracy, CA, and happy to welcome our friends from Stockton and Modesto.